Monday, July 17

Girl Talk

When was the last time you thought "I wonder what it would sound like if somebody mixed Elton John's "Tiny Dancer" with The Notorious B.I.G.'s "Juicy?"

I will admit that i didnt hear about Girl Talk until today when Pitchfork nutted all over the new record. I am about to do the same. Greg Gillis aka Girl Talk has created his third record. The entire album is one giant mashup. Mashups, which have been happening for awhile, started to really catch on a few years ago when Danger Mouse created the Grey Album by fusing Jay-Z's Black album with the Beatles' White album. This record, takes the idea of a mash up to a whole new level. Girl Talk has created an album using somewhere around 150 (illegal) samples. Each song is an eruption of samples taken from classic rock, hardcore hip hop, grunge hits, top 40, and so much more. In a single song you could hear The Pixies, Ludacris, the Verve, and Phil Collins, all flawlessly stitched together to make an incredibly fun record.

I really want you to check this out. So much infact, that im bringin TWO mp3s along today.

MP3: Girl Talk-Hold Up

MP3: Girl Talk-Bounce That

Girl Talk Myspace


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

10:47 AM  

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